Phone: 07741 284132

Minutes of a Trustee Meeting
held on 20th July 2017 at 7.30 pm.

Alan Cadman (Chairman), Liz Winter (Secretary), Andrew Craig, Mark Kleingeld,
Melanie Everett, Marlena Lipski, Jutta Brawn, Sue Armstrong

Apologies for Absence
Liz and Bob Schofield, Maureen Shouksmith, James Puxley, Denise Hobday.

Minutes of previous Trustee Meeting held 30th March 2017
Andrew Craig proposed and Marlena Lipski seconded that the Minutes be accepted as a true record. Carried unanimously. Alan signed the Minutes. Now that they had been approved, they would be posted on the Community Centre noticeboard. EW

Matters Arising
Shop Rent The Finance Sub-Committee proposed to the Trustees that, once the current rent-free period ceased in June 2018, a rent of £40 per calendar month should be paid by the Shop to cover expenses incurred by the LCC on the Shop’s behalf. (See FS-C minutes from 12.06.17.) Jutta felt there should be no charge to the Shop as they are very helpful to the LCC in many ways. However, after some discussion, the Trustees agreed to the proposal of £40 pcm. The secretary would write to Gill Flack. EW

Pre-School Rent After a meeting with the Pre-School on 3.07.17 the Finance Sub-Committee had agreed to recommend to the Trustees that the monthly rent reduction to £50, due to expire in September, should be extended to end of March 2018 to give the Pre-School time to recruit more children. Mel confirmed that three more had signed up and several more showed interest at a canvassing event at Tesco on 15th July. We would be sent a financial update in December 2017. The Trustees unanimously agreed to keep the rent at £50. EW

Chairman’s Report
Disabled facilities Alan and Andrew met Lee Spalding from Colchester Borough Council surveyor’s department. He has looked at the premises with them and has been asked to carry out a feasibility study. The CBC allows Lee to take on paying clients and he can steer us through the whole process, including obtaining grants and overseeing the works, and his knowledge of current Building Regs, etc. will be invaluable. Grants should cover the whole process.
The plans would include a new exterior door, opening outwards, and an electronic entry system would automatically lock the interior door when this was used (and vice versa). A path would be laid around the building to save wheelchairs having to run on grass and we would include plans for the stairlift to the Committee room, which had been left in abeyance.
A lockable cold water tap will be installed on the back of the hall together with a new drinking fountain when the works are undertaken.

Car park Alan had contacted Ken Dilliway and Lionel Whitnell about repairs to the car park, which would require Alan to draw up a specification and arrange a site meeting. Because some of the drains are cracking it was felt this should take precedence over the boiler. Alan said winter frosts could cause real problems if the work is not done.
Since the Parish Council receives the money for caravans using the field, it has agreed to fund the excavation of a new pit linked to the drains to avoid the necessity for caravaners to empty their toilets into the drain outside the shop door. This does not require planning permission and could be undertaken at the same time as the car park repairs. AC

Boiler Alan is still in conversation with Lindsey’s about the work carried out to the boiler, which has not cured the problem of overheating/overflowing. They are experiencing difficulties at present and Alan may have to contact an alternative company. We are withholding payment of Lindsey’s outstanding bill until they deal with our complaint. AC

Treasurer’s Report
Maureen’s report had been circulated prior to the meeting. Earnings for the first three months of this financial year indicated that we could once again be approaching the VAT threshold of £78,000. Andrew again pointed out that the Shop’s payment for electricity used is not actually income. Sue Armstrong and Maureen would discuss which other items might be excluded. Andrew asked that a running total might be included in the monthly account now that three months had passed. Also a comparison with the previous year might be helpful. The total amount in the bank at today’s date is £39,189. From 1st August Maureen will take over from Liz Winter to make or authorise payments. The exact details will be clarified by Alan and Maureen. MS/AC
George Pearce, who lives in the village, has agreed to act as Independent Examiner for last year’s accounts. Maureen is meeting him on 1st August. We cannot file our accounts before the end of August as the Charity Commission is installing a new system. MS

Marketing Manager/Caretaker’s Report
Sue’s report and lists of work completed and outstanding had been circulated. Danshell have booked until November and a second training company is booking too. We have a new Sunday league football team, Iceni Wanderers, who are replacing the team we had trouble with last season. Langham Lodgers remain on Saturdays. NE Essex Diabetes Service are hosting all their conferences here this year. Beekeepers have a six-week course in the Committee room in the autumn again, but the Toddler group has folded and have given us three small tables which will be useful for little children’s parties.
The CCTV has been serviced and Sue was looking at improvements to the system which will be discussed initially by the Finance team. No date has yet been fixed for the new coin meters. Broken chairs have been put in a skip. Liz W would ask the University volunteers if they would consider painting the stage floor. Last year they did the Club and Committee room walls. EW
Sue was thanked for all the work she and Cheryl have undertaken on our behalf.
Andrew Craig volunteered to man the Car Club bar on 21st September. Liz W and Jutta agreed to do the Toy Fair on 8th October.

Amendment to Finance Sub-Committee’s terms of reference

The Sub-Committee asked the Trustees to amend their terms of reference, which had been approved at a meeting on 19th January 2017. These amendments are shown in red below:

1. To comprise Chairman, Treasurer or acting Treasurer, Secretary, Marketing Manager, Finance Trustee (Andrew Craig) and Parish Council representative (Liz Schofield).
2. To meet monthly to review the current financial position, review budget variances and plan future capital expenditure for approval by the Management Committee.
3. The sub-committee may co-opt such other members as may from time to time be useful in furthering the purposes of such committee.
4. To report back to the Management Committee in writing by way of minutes after each meeting.
5. With prior authority from the Management Committee to take such action as may be necessary to ensure the smooth running of Langham Community Centre.
6a To acquire quotations for proposed works and purchases.
6b To contract expenditure up to a maximum of £1,000 (one thousand pounds) without prior approval of the Management Committee.
7. To carry out and implement an annual salary review for employees in June each year.
8. To support the Marketing Manager to help solve day to day problems which arise.

The Trustees unanimously approved these amendments.

Item 8
This had been dealt with in the Chairman’s Report.

Any Other Business
Disposal of rubbish from the hall and the shop was proving problematic, especially now that collections are fortnightly. Our rubbish cupboard becomes very smelly, which is why the outside tap needs moving from within it. The shop is considering purchasing a large wheelie container like the school’s. The possibility of a shared facility and its location would be discussed. ACr/SA

Date of next meeting
The next Trustee Meeting will be held on Thursday 5th October 2017 at 7.30 pm in the clubroom.
The next Finance sub-committee will meet at Alan’s house at 7.30 pm on Monday 4th September.

There being no further business, the meeting closed at 9.15 pm.
How To Find Us
Langham Community Centre, School Rd, Langham, Colchester CO4 5PA
Get In Touch
07741 284132
About Us
The Langham Community Centre was opened in June 1988 and has been serving local village residents and other commercial hirers ever since.

We are based at the heart of Langham Village, with easy access from the A12.
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