Minutes of a Trustee Meeting
held on 1st October 2020 at 8.00pm.
Andrew Craig (nominated Chairman in the absence of Alan Cadman), Paul Armstrong (Secretary), Maureen Shouksmith (Treasurer), Liz Winter, Peter Dawson, Jutta Brawn, Bob Schofield, Marlena Lipski, James Puxley, Sue Armstrong
Apologies for Absence
Alan Cadman, Maria Bukovenczki, Mark Kleingeld, Denise Hobday
Minutes of previous Trustee Meeting on 30th January 2020
Minutes of the previous meeting had been circulated prior to the meeting. Liz Winter proposed and Bob Schofield seconded that they be accepted as a true record. Carried unanimously. Andrew Craig signed the Minutes. They will be posted on the Community Centre noticeboard. PA
Matters Arising
This is the first Trustee Meeting to be held since 30th January, because of COVID-19 restrictions in place since late March this year. In the absence of these meetings, all matters arising have been actioned and reported to Trustees via emails during this period. This was agreed by all.
Chairman’s Report
Not available (due to Alan’s precautionary withdrawal from the meeting due to possible COVID-19 exposure).
Treasurer’s Report
Figures up to 31st August had been sent out to Trustees with hard copies available at the meeting.
Maureen read out her prepared report (a copy of which is with these minutes.)
Maureen also reported that as of end of September: the Current A/c balance was £3,925.95p; the Saver A/c balance was £70,029.84p. Rolling 12 month turnover to the end of Aug 2020 was £76,381, safely below the VAT registration threshold. There were no further questions on Maureen’s report.
Marketing Manager’s Report
Sue’s report had been sent out to Trustees in advance of the meeting. The return of regular hirers is still very limited, although Bowls have re-started. A new Ballet Class started from early September. St. Helena’s Hospice are now holding monthly fundraising fairs with gradually increasing attendance. Unfortunately Cygnet have made very little use of the Hall since August, and indeed cancelled their single current October booking just today. Sue is aware though that they are currently doing some re-structuring, after which bookings may hopefully rebound somewhat. Charlotte Parker is currently organising an Autumn Market Fair in the car park on Sunday 25th October, with several independent food and other retailers planning to attend.
Sue recorded her sincere thanks to Maureen for collecting and chasing 100 Club payments for this new membership year.
Sue advised the meeting that an urgent decision was now needed on the proposed flooring renewal in the rear lobby, kitchen, bar and entrance hall. Liz had emailed Trustees on 14th September with a proposal for review and approval. 5 affirmative replies had been received so far. Liz called for a vote on the proposal to accept Hyde’s revised quotation for the work. A vote was taken with 10 in favour and none against, so Sue can now progress things. SA
Sue was thanked for her work on the re-flooring plans. Sue and Cheryl were thanked for their work developing and implementing COVID-19 security measures with the ever-changing flow of new regulations.
CCTV review, vandalism, repairs and prevention measures
A brand new CCTV system is now complete following a major breakdown of the old system during July. Installation of the new system was undertaken by Chris of Future Electrical (Buzimac, who provided the old system, were closing down). Chris was extremely responsive and helpful throughout the entire process, and will maintain the new system for us too. The new system provides a live feed to Sue and Cheryl’s mobile work phones, together with a high quality TV display for reviewing past footage on-site.
Two intruders vandalised parts of the Community Centre roofing on 29th July, causing a fair bit of damage (including breaking a CCTV camera and a kitchen window), but without getting into the building. A temporary make-good for the kitchen window was rapidly put in place. Sue submitted reports to the local Police but as expected there has been no real follow-up. Alan submitted the insurance claim last week, prior to undertaking of full repairs. An insurance excess will probably be payable (as with the lead flashing repairs previously).
Cheryl has since applied some anti-climb paint to key vulnerable access points to the roof. Wider application of this paint is still under consideration. Peter suggested that the insurance implications of this should be checked before making a decision. Sue agreed to ask Alan to raise this with our insurers. SA/AC
Hire Rates
The annual rate review had been discussed a few weeks ago with a recommendation to freeze rates for the year ahead in the current highly uncertain environment. The Chairman proposed this recommendation formally to the meeting and it was supported unanimously with no objections.
Any Other Business
Liz reported that Tony & Elizabeth Ellis had recently enquired whether the October Community Café would be going ahead or not. Sue replied that it was understandably hard to make a definitive decision at this point, but that she would do her best to provide an answer in due course.
Dates of next meetings
To be confirmed by the Secretary in due course PA
There being no further business, the meeting was closed at 8.28pm