Langham Community Council - - Report to the Trustees, 30th June 2022
(Legal Status
The Charity was established on 4th April 1978, whereby Langham Parish Council is the custodian Trustee of the freehold land now occupied by the Community Centre and Car Park.
Objects, Policies and Organisation
The Trust is established to provide and maintain the Community Centre for the benefit of the inhabitants of Langham, without distinction of political, religious or other opinions, with the object of improving the quality of life of the inhabitants.
The Centre is available for hire by any individual or organisation in accordance with the standard hiring agreement and scale of charges adopted for the year. It is intended that the scale is sufficient to generate enough income to meet the ordinary expenditure incurred in providing the Centre. Significant improvements are funded out of revenue by specific appeals, fundraising and utilising grants as available.)
Review of the Year
2021/22 - Has been another unusual year for the Community Centre, as it has been for all of us, due to the continued impact of COVID-19 and the associated government restrictions. Almost all of our regular village club hires have started back at the centre over the year some have only started in the new year 2022.
We received one more grant in this year from the government for the restart of the centre which help us thorough this year.
This year we agreed to go out for tenders for replacing the roof on the main section of the centre plus upgrading the insulation and joists with the idea of installing solar panels in the future , the tenders all came back well over our budget being approx £ 150,000. [ tenders were over £ 300,000. ]. We are now waiting for the next round of grants so this project can continue hopefully.
This came as a shock to us and has now caused us to revalue the centre for our insurance rebuild cost, at this time of the report our insurance company has stated that a £ 5 million budget is in place and we are having this assessed later in 2022.
There was several attempted break ins at the centre in the year causing damage to the roof and CCTV, around the centre.
We continue to have long discussions about the [ private ] car park cover with our insurance company mainly with reference to the main entrance and the outdoor seasonal fairs / mobile vendors.
We are still looking for a secretary to join our Trustees for the community centre and would like to thank Paul Armstrong for stepping in for the last 18 months or so.
In conclusion, the Community Centre is still under the same management and remains in a good shape to move forward with all its plans of repairs to the Centre, Preschool and Shop plus all the normal activities for the village clubs etc.