Langham Ladies
The Langham Ladies was launched in July 2017 with the aim of providing a social group for ladies in the local area. A monthly presentation is given by speakers in the Langham Community Centre normally on the second Thursday in the month commencing at 8.00 pm where members are treated to a talk on various topics followed by light refreshments including home made cakes etc. and a raffle. This also gives the members the opportunity to socialise. The evening normally draws to a close at approximately 9.45 pm.
The annual membership fee is currently a modest fee of £25. Some of the topics may appeal to a wider audience so are open to non members. Ladies and gentlemen are both welcome for a guest fee of £5 which includes light refreshments.
Additionally, occasional trips are organised to events that might appeal to members such as theatre visits, city visits, lunches, etc. which are funded separately.
Since it’s inception, the group has grown to approximately 65+ and run by a small volunteer committee.
A warm welcome is always extended to those who might just like to come along and sample our evening for a nominal fee of £5 and listed below is the programme for the next six months which should appeal to people of all ages.
Further details can be obtained from Tricia Gooding 01206 230510 or Gill Brown 01206 273286.