Phone: 07741 284132

Langham Community Council and Trustees

Langham Community Council manages the registered charity (Langham Village Hall, charity number 268187) whose charitable objects are to provide "a Village Hall for the use of the inhabitants of the Parish of Langham without distinction of political, religious or other opinions, including use for meetings, lectures and classes, and for other forms of recreation and leisure-time occupation, with the object of improving the conditions of life for the said inhabitants". The Village Hall is more commonly now known as the Langham Community Centre.

An up-to-date listing of the current Charity Trustees can be found on the Charity Commission website here:
Charity Trustees
The Charity's Governing Document has been updated and amended twice since initial registration with the Charity Commission in 1978. A consolidated version of the current Governing Document is available here:
Charity Governing Document
Trustee Management Meetings are typically held 4-6 times a year to oversee the Charity's affairs. A Finance Sub-Committee holds additional intermediate meetings (around 4-6 times a year) and reports back regularly to all Trustees. Trustee Meeting agendas and minutes are available via the links below:
Trustee Meeting Records
An Annual General Meeting is held each year, usually in May. All local residents are welcome to attend and listen to the Managing Trustees' Report for the year just concluded. Trustees vote to elect a Chairman, Treasurer and Secretary for the year ahead.
AGM Records
How To Find Us
Langham Community Centre, School Rd, Langham, Colchester CO4 5PA
Get In Touch
07741 284132
About Us
The Langham Community Centre was opened in June 1988 and has been serving local village residents and other commercial hirers ever since.

We are based at the heart of Langham Village, with easy access from the A12.
©  2024 Langham Community Centre. All Rights Reserved.