Phone: 07741 284132

Minutes of the Annual General Meeting
held on 1st October 2020

Thirteen people attended the AGM including three members of the public.
The meeting was held in the main hall with attendees wearing masks and seated two metres apart.

Alan Cadman, Chairman, was unable to attend the meeting because of possible contact with COVID and he sent his apologies. In his absence Andrew Craig agreed to take the chair.

Apologies for Absence
Alan Cadman, Denise Hobday, Liz Schofield, Cheryl Williams, Mark Kleingeld, Daphne Bettle, Marlena Lipski.

Andrew welcomed everyone to the meeting.

Minutes of the AGM held on 23rd May 2019
The minutes had been circulated and there were no objections. Maureen Shouksmith proposed and Liz Winter seconded that the minutes be accepted as a true record of the meeting. All in favour. The Acting Chairman signed the minutes.

Matters Arising
It was agreed that all matters arising from the minutes had been dealt with and notified to Trustees via email over the lockdown period. Maureen confirmed that George Pearce had acted as Independent Examiner of the accounts for 2019/20 and these were ready to submit to the Charity Commission if approved at tonight’s meeting.

Managing Trustees’ Report
Andrew read aloud Alan’s report, a copy of which will also be sent to the Charity Commission.
The report highlighted the hard work of Sue Armstrong and Cheryl Williams in achieving a very high number of bookings over the year.
With the help of two grants, we had been able to replace the failing central heating system in the main building and install a new electricity consumer unit. A similar heating system had been installed in the Pre-School together with instant water heaters for them and the Community Shop.
Other improvements included a cheaper three-year electricity contract with British Gas Lite; re-marking of the car park; sanding and sealing of the hall floor and replacement of the trim; decoration and repair of the balcony; temporary replacement of the acoustic curtain; replacement of stolen lead flashing with a fibre alternative; removal of the old boilers and oil tank to provide storage space.
Expenditure on a new oven, commercial microwave, dishwasher and roller blinds had upgraded the kitchen and a replacement projector had been purchased for Film Nights.
The hall had to close when the lockdown came on 23rd March, although Cygnet still had some essential health training courses. This will have a serious effect on our income for the year ending 31st March 2021.

Membership of the Management Committee for the year ended 31.03.20 was

Alan Cadman Chairman elected
Liz Winter Secretary elected
Maureen Shouksmith Treasurer elected

Jutta Brawn Bowls Club
Denise Hobday Parochial Church Council
Peter Dawson Parish Council
Daphne Bettle Bridge Club
Bob Schofield Recreation Ground
Maria Bukovenczki Pre-School
James Puxley Scouts
Andrew Craig Community Shop
Marlena Lipski Patchwork Pals
Mark Kleingeld Tennis Club
Sue Trimnell Langham Ladies
Elizabeth Schofield Co-opted

Sue Armstrong Commercial and Marketing Manager employee
Cheryl Williams Caretaker employee

Treasurer’s Report
The final accounts for 2019/20 had been circulated to all Trustees and handed to members of the public attending the meeting.
Maureen explained items under the heading “other” expenses which included two music licence payments because one invoice had been received too late to be included in the previous year’s accounts. She said it was a great achievement that we finished the year with almost the same bank balance as the previous year, in view of the large expense items detailed in Alan’s report. We remained below the VAT threshold.
Maureen outlined our ongoing expenses for the coming year and the effect this will have on our reserves.
A vote of thanks was recorded to Maureen for her work as Treasurer and she thanked Liz Winter for her assistance too. There were no queries on the figures and unanimous agreement that they should be accepted as a true record and submitted to the Charity Commission.
Dave King proposed a vote of thanks to Sue Armstrong for ensuring the hall continues to be a popular place to hire. This was seconded by Andrew and agreed by all present.

Election of Members
The Secretary informed the meeting that Alan Cadman and Maureen Shouksmith had agreed to be re-elected. Alan was proposed by Dave King and seconded by Peter Dawson.
Maureen was proposed by Gill Woodman and seconded by Dave King.
The Secretary was resigning and Paul Armstrong had kindly agreed to step into the breach. Paul was proposed by Liz Winter and seconded by Jutta Brawn. All three nominations were approved by those present.

Community Council Appointed Representatives
The secretary had written to everyone to ask for their appointed representative for 2020/21. Sue Trimnell had resigned as Langham Ladies’ rep and been replaced by Liz Winter. Daphne Bettle had resigned and the Bridge Club had decided not to replace her until they are able to meet again at the hall, hopefully next March.

The full list of representatives appointed by their organisations is as follows:

Peter Dawson Parish Council
Bob Schofield Recreation Ground
tba Bridge Club
Marlena Lipski Patchwork Pals
Denise Hobday Parochial Church Council
Mark Kleingeld Tennis Club
Andrew Craig Community Shop
Maria Bukovenczki Pre-School
James Puxley Scouts
Jutta Brawn Bowls Club
Liz Winter Langham Ladies

Item 8
Liz Schofield has agreed to be co-opted once again to the Management Committee.
Sue Thorpe proposed and Gill Woodman seconded the motion. Carried unanimously.

Any Other Business
On behalf of herself and Cheryl, Sue Armstrong thanked all the Trustees for their support during last year and their ongoing support during the COVID pandemic.
Andrew thanked the retiring secretary for her work over the last six years and Liz responded that she would miss working with such a dedicated, friendly team and was glad to be continuing as a Trustee for Langham Ladies. She was presented with a tub of flowering plants and a card.

This concluded business and the Acting Chairman declared the meeting closed at
7.54 pm.
How To Find Us
Langham Community Centre, School Rd, Langham, Colchester CO4 5PA
Get In Touch
07741 284132
About Us
The Langham Community Centre was opened in June 1988 and has been serving local village residents and other commercial hirers ever since.

We are based at the heart of Langham Village, with easy access from the A12.
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