Phone: 07741 284132

Minutes of the Annual General Meeting
held on 23rd May 2019

Fifteen people attended the AGM including three members of the public.

Alan Cadman, Chairman, welcomed everyone to the meeting.

Apologies for Absence
Denise Hobday, Bob Schofield, Peter Dawson, Cheryl Williams, Martin Bottwood, Maria Bukovenczki.

Minutes of the AGM held on 24th May 2018
The minutes had been circulated and there were no objections. David Winter proposed and Liz Schofield seconded that the minutes be accepted as a true record of the meeting. The Chairman signed the minutes.

Matters Arising
There were no matters arising.

Managing Trustees’ Report
Alan thanked his “team” for delivering the best results ever in terms of profit, which was almost double last year’s at just over £14,000. More detail would be given in the Treasurer’s Report.
He said caravanners were coming in even greater numbers and regular quarterly ceroc dances were proving very popular.
We have once again been supporting the Community Shop and the Pre-School with reduced rents, although the latter have been able to pay their full rental since last September, due to in improvement in children on roll which looks set to continue into next academic year.
The car park is looking much better, having at last been repaired in January and re-marked more recently.
The boilers have caused us a lot of expense during the year. Our own is getting old and unreliable and the Pre-School’s has been repeatedly losing pressure and is leaking somewhere under the floor. Lindsey’s have made frequent maintenance visits and Sue and Cheryl have spent a lot of time keeping everything ticking over. The heating system will need replacing in the current financial year.
We continue to receive a high level of support from our regular hirers.

Alan confirmed the membership of the Management Committee for the past year:

Alan Cadman Chairman
Liz Winter Secretary
Maureen Shouksmith Treasurer

Jutta Brawn Bowls Club
Denise Hobday Parochial Church Council
Peter Dawson Parish Council
Daphne Bettle Bridge Club
Bob Schofield Recreation Ground
Maria Bukovenczki Pre-School
James Puxley Scouts
Andrew Craig Community Shop
Marlena Lipski Patchwork Pals
Mark Kleingeld Tennis Club
Gill Brown Langham Ladies (from July 2018)
Elizabeth Schofield Co-opted

Sue Armstrong Commercial and Marketing Manager employee
Cheryl Williams Caretaker employee

Treasurer’s Report
Maureen confirmed that at close of business today our bank accounts stood at £55,085.67 in the Saver and £4,635.50 in the current. Our income for the year ended 31st March for VAT purposes was £68,506 and below the threshold.
Maureen had circulated figures for the year together with an analysis of income and expenditure. Nearly half our commercial letting income comes from Danshell, who brought in £14,660 last year. Our monthly income averaged £6,250 per month, from which we paid £2,522 per month for regular expenses plus other maintenance costs of £1,527. The year’s maintenance included the car park resurfacing of £6,930 and purchase of a floor cleaning machine at £2,256.
The hall floor will cost around £5,000 this summer for its big sand and clean. We will also have the large expense of replacing the central heating system and hot water provision as soon as possible.
Our income has increased from £60,201 (2017/18) to £78,956 (2018/19) in great part due to Sue and Cheryl’s hard work dealing so efficiently with hires and day-to-day maintenance issues.

Andrew Craig thanked Maureen for such a useful analysis and a vote of thanks was proposed to her. There were no queries. Liz Schofield proposed and David Winter seconded that the figures be accepted as a true record. This was agreed unanimously.

Maureen would once again ask George Pearce to act as Independent Examiner, after which the accounts would be lodged with the Charity Commission.

Election of Members
The Secretary informed the meeting that no nominations had been received for any elected position on the Management Committee. The current members were willing to continue and the meeting was unanimous in re-electing Alan Cadman, Maureen Shouksmith and Liz Winter.

Community Council Representatives
The secretary had written to all Clubs to ask who their appointed representative for 2019/20 will be. Gill Brown had felt unable to continue for Langham Ladies and their new appointee is Sue Trimnell. Other representatives remain the same.

The full list of representatives appointed by their organisations is as follows:

Peter Dawson Parish Council
Bob Schofield Recreation Ground
Daphne Bettle Bridge Club
Marlena Lipski Patchwork Pals
Denise Hobday Parochial Church Council
Mark Kleingeld Tennis Club
Andrew Craig Community Shop
Maria Bukovenczki Pre-School
James Puxley Scouts
Jutta Brawn Bowls Club
Sue Trimnell Langham Ladies

Item 8
Liz Schofield has agreed to be co-opted once again to the Finance Committee.
Liz Winter proposed and Sue Trimnell seconded the motion. Carried unanimously.

Any Other Business
Sue Armstrong thanked all the Trustees for their support of herself and Cheryl over the past year. Marlena responded by thanking them so much for all their hard work in what has been a difficult year for both of them, a sentiment echoed by all present.

This concluded the business and the Chairman declared the meeting closed at 8 pm.
How To Find Us
Langham Community Centre, School Rd, Langham, Colchester CO4 5PA
Get In Touch
07741 284132
About Us
The Langham Community Centre was opened in June 1988 and has been serving local village residents and other commercial hirers ever since.

We are based at the heart of Langham Village, with easy access from the A12.
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