Agenda for Trustee Meeting on 28th Oct 2021
Langham Community Centre, 7.30pm
1. Apologies for absence
2. To approve Minutes of the last Trustee meeting on 22nd July 2021
3. Matters arising from Trustee Meeting 22nd July 2021: obtain all signatures for Shop and Pre-School Leases (PA); arrange for 2nd professional risk surveyor to inspect and report on our Car Park (AC); speak to Stutton and Bentley for advice on shared-use car park facilities (PA); submit pre-application for CIF grant for hearing loop (PA); LCC Trustees to run first Coffee Morning when these re-start after COVID interruption (All); place advert in Parish Newsletter for new 100 club members (PA); share details of Youth Strategy Group Grant Opportunity with Scouts and Youth Karate Group (PA); Register LCC’s land ownership with the Land Registry (AC).
4. Chairman’s report
5. Treasurer’s report
6. Marketing Manager’s report
7. LCC support for Queen’s Platinum Jubilee Event in June 2022
8. Any Other Business
9. Dates of Next Meetings