Phone: 07741 284132

Agenda for Trustee meeting on 22nd July 2021
Langham Community Centre, 7.30pm

1. Apologies for absence

2. To approve Minutes of the last Trustee meeting on 27th May 2021

3. Matters arising
(catch-up signing of COVID era meeting minutes PA/AC; chasing hardcopies of Shop & Preschool Leases AC; chasing Fish & Chip mobile vendor for new hire contract signature SA; removal of Andrew Craig from bank mandate MS)

4. Chairman’s report
- Pre-School and Shop Leases
- Roof replacement preparation
- Car Park safety improvements

5. Treasurer’s report
- Allocation of £8k COVID Re-Start grant

6. Marketing Manager’s report
- Proposed Update of Hiring T&Cs, post 19th July
- Potential CIF grant for hearing loop facilities or similar
- Proposed New Hiring Rates

7. Trustee vote on proposed update of Hiring T&Cs and Hiring Rates

8. Any Other Business

9. Date of Next Meeting
How To Find Us
Langham Community Centre, School Rd, Langham, Colchester CO4 5PA
Get In Touch
07741 284132
About Us
The Langham Community Centre was opened in June 1988 and has been serving local village residents and other commercial hirers ever since.

We are based at the heart of Langham Village, with easy access from the A12.
©  2024 Langham Community Centre. All Rights Reserved.